Francisco Tropa
Francisco Tropa
9 november - 12:30am and 5pm - 10 november - 12am and 5pm to 7pm
Free entry

Marc Domage, CND 2018
Since 2005, the artist has been developing a series of works entitled Gigante (Giant) that start with turning into bronze all the bones of the human body. This work, associated with the performative act of bone-by-bone reconstruction of this skeleton as an act of classification, emphasizes the existential significance of a gesture of singular, simple and complex beauty.
(Galeria Jocelyn Wolf).
Performers: Ana Isabel Castro, Sofia Kafol, Paulo Pinto e Dori Nigro.
The work will be activated as part of the programme of the exhibition (A)MO-TE by Francisco Tropa (Lisbon, 1968).