The Foundation

Studies, Documents & Statistics



Vista aproximada de grandes lâmpadas azuladas e em suspensão.
Portuguese Law on foundations

Portuguese Law on foundations

Public Opinion Study

Public Opinion Study

Economic Impact Study

With the role that the Serralves Foundation plays in promoting arts and culture in the city, in the northern region, and in the country as a whole being clear, there is the conviction that it also plays an important role as an economic agent with a major impact on the economy of the city of Porto, and northern region of the country.

This study quantifies the economic dimension of the Serralves Foundation by estimating the direct, indirect and induced impacts of their activities. Besides the quantified size of this impact, the studyalso characterizes in detail the links between Serralves and the different stakeholders: visitors (residents and non-residents), suppliers and entities of the cultural sector, the education sector entities, corporations and other institutions. This study aims to characterize the Serralves Foundation as a creative and cultural entity, as a tourist attraction, as an educational institution, as a dynamic facility of the creative industries, as a social boost, and an economic agent generating employment, consumption, income, tax revenues, etc

Consult here the executive summary of the Economic Impact Study of the Serralves Foundation

Institutional support

1.7.5. OK_ ESTUDOS, DOCUMENTOS & ESTATÍSTICAS - Estudo de Impacto Económico
1.7.5. OK_ ESTUDOS, DOCUMENTOS & ESTATÍSTICAS - Estudo de Impacto Económico

Co-financed by

1.7.5. OK_ ESTUDOS, DOCUMENTOS & ESTATÍSTICAS - Estudo de Impacto Económico
1.7.5. OK_ ESTUDOS, DOCUMENTOS & ESTATÍSTICAS - Estudo de Impacto Económico
1.7.5. OK_ ESTUDOS, DOCUMENTOS & ESTATÍSTICAS - Estudo de Impacto Económico
1.7.5. OK_ ESTUDOS, DOCUMENTOS & ESTATÍSTICAS - Estudo de Impacto Económico


01 Museu

Serralves Museum

Serralves Museum

02 Parque



04 Casa do Cinema

House of Cinema

House of Cinema

03 Casa de Serralves

Serralves Villa

Serralves Villa desenvolvido por Bondhabits. Agência de marketing digital e desenvolvimento de websites e desenvolvimento de apps mobile