Film preview of "Verdade ou Consequência"

presented by Cristina Fernandes

27 SEP 2023 | 5PM

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Antestreia do filme Verdade ou Consequência
C.R.I.M. Produções

Preview of the film "Truth or Dare" by Sofia Marques

“Where is our home? What is our real home? Lisbon? Oporto? The Theatre? The home of the cinema? How can we embrace the world from our home? I find myself looking for you: the Luís Miguel Cintra I knew, the one from the past. And you're looking for someone different from you, different from the image others make of you. You often say that I invented this film so that I could be with you and create a new way of relating to you. Maybe that's true.” desenvolvido por Bondhabits. Agência de marketing digital e desenvolvimento de websites e desenvolvimento de apps mobile