One of the great qualities of Serralves Park is the diversity of its arboreal and shrub heritage. This includes more than 8000 specimens of woody plants, representing approximately 230 native and exotic (non-native) species and varieties.
Some rare species, such as the yew (Taxus baccata, a species at risk of extinction in Portugal), and other representative examples of Portuguese flora, such as Stone pine (Pinus pinea), Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster), Chestnut (Castanea sativa), cork oak (Quercus suber), oak tree (Quercus robur), holly (Ilex aquifolium, protected by law), hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna), laurustinus (Viburnum tinus) and hazelnut (Corylus avellana).
The diversity of species and origins of exotic (non-native) flora in the Park is vast, including: liquidambars (Liquidambar styraciflua), Virginia tulip trees (Liriodendron tulipifera) and giant sequoias (Sequoiadendron giganteum) from the USA; Atlas cedars (Cedrus atlantica), Lebanon cedars (Cedrus libani) and Himalayan cedars (Cedrus deodara); the Indian chestnut tree or horse-chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum, which contrary to its name actually comes from the Balkans), arboreal rhododendrons and numerous varieties of camellias (Camellia japonica), of Asian origin, among many others.
This valuable heritage has been subjected to an exhaustive study, with the collaboration of the University of Aveiro and CIBIO-InBIO, including identification of the species, geo-referencing of the specimens and development of a plataform that centralises this information. In this manner, the public can have access to the survey and also use its content for scientific and educational purposes.
Users have access to the listing and description of each species and identification of each of the specimens; Users also have the possibility to explore the Park, through application of numerous criteria, ranging from the origin of the species, to the zone of the Park where the species is found, to the type of leaf, season in which it blossoms and bears fruit, among others.
This platform is also used for management and maintenance of the Park itself, and also includes a classic Herbarium deposited at the University of Aveiro, which represents the species found in Serralves Park. Digital access and consultation is guaranteed by reproducing these species and including them in the database.
A geo-referenced survey of the Park’s trees and shrubs.
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